Atanas Valkow is an insatiable artist, and he treats being an artist totally. Composer, pianist, drummer and producer. He creates, drawing on various sources: Polish and Balkan folklore, electronic and contemporary music and jazz. He arranged and produced the Kayah album “Transoriental Orchestra” (Platinum Record). He wrote, inter alia, music to the famous film by Jan P. Matuszyński “The Last Family” and popular series – “Belfer” and “Król”. He also composed the music for the series “Polish Legends” (directed by Tomasz Bagiński). Commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA), Valkov produced the soundtrack for the short film “Ambition.” He is currently working on the project “Ma Svoboda – From East to West.” For its implementation, Atanas will travel through Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Middle East. instrumentalists adhering to tradition, all in order to restore forgotten melodies and sounds to the world with the help of modern technologies and contemporary compositional skills.