A man, an institution, without which it is difficult to imagine Polish culture and music of the last four decades. Despite the passage of time, Janerka is still herself, it is difficult to guess him and keep up with him. Still unpredictable, he creates, writes and records as and when he wants. He has no artistic framework, he escapes from the stereotypes that journalists would like to dress him in. Already commanded by him in the early 1980s, Klaus Mitffoch was an unusual phenomenon in Polish rock. In turn, the solo career, which began with the release of “Underwater History”, is gaining new enthusiasts to this day. The texts that the Wrocław musician made added value to his unconventional music are not without significance here. It is difficult to talk about them otherwise than in the context of poetry and surreal play with words. Janerka, like Józef K. from Kafka’s “Trial”, wanders around the modern world. Every now and then he stumbles over its absurdities, and then puts his experiences on paper. Currently, the artist is currently working on his next album.